What to Expect at a Healing Service

Each service begins with a celebration of the Eucharist.

In faith, we receive the Greatest Healer into our bodies and souls, trusting that we will be nourished and healed in all areas of our lives.

If you think about it, every Eucharist is a healing celebration.  In it we receive the Lord Jesus.  We are transformed by Him, and we let Him meet us in our needs.  In every Mass, we celebrate God's love for us.  With the priest, we offer ourselves  in sacrifice, giving thanks to the Father, through Jesus our great High Priest, in the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is He makes us a community who worships God in Spirit and Truth. 

At the Penetential Rite we are healed by the Lord of our sinfulness.  We ask Him to remove our sinful inclinations.  We repent and He makes us whole.  

When we listen to the Word of God, we seek to integrate His Word into our lives. 

At the prayer intercessions, we ask that the sick may be made well, and that their care-takers may be strengthened for their task.

At the Offertory, we present ourselves to God, together with our offerings of bread and wine.

In the Consecration, we are awed by God's power, as our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.

At the Our Father, we praise His Kingdom come, and ask that His Will be done.  We stand on the truth that we are all God's beloved children.  

When we pray for forgiveness, He restores our souls and then we experience the Lord's gift of peace. Jesus, who forgave His persecutors, now helps us to let go of our resentments, grudges, angers and jealousness.

When we receive the Lord at Holy Communion, our response is "Amen!"  In that, we express our faith in His divine presence and power.

After Communion, alone in silence before the Lord, we may praise and thank the Lord, saying, "Lord, I know You are healing me even now of my ______ (and express your need to Him.).

Mass is follwed by Individual Prayer for Healing

After the Mass concludes with the Final Blessing and Dismissal, the Prayer Service begins.

The lay healing ministers will introduce themselves.  The celebrant will bless each one and then they will disperse to various locations around the church.  Anyone who wishes to pray with the lay ministers form lines.  One by one, the lay minister will ask for the intention of the healing prayer and pray for each person according to their needs.   You may be anointed with the Oil of the Sick (this is not the Sacramental Anointing of the Sick).

Priest confessors are usually available to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Prayer Service.

You are free to leave at any time you wish.

The New Spirit Singers provide music during the Prayer Service.

Those who remain at the end of the service join to sing a song of Thanksgiving before all depart.